Pagan Gods


As the title suggests, this time I’ll be covering Pagan Gods; They are unintentionally created thought forms that man created & worshiped, because they needed a way to explain things around them or forces that were beyond their control and that they were subject to. Examples are that most major primitive civilizations in the past such as the Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks and so on had Gods that ruled over the weather, the Sun, famine, plague and so on. Below a list of Pagan Gods & their correspondences for convenience sake- as I have mentioned in the past, I am not fond of Gods due to their lack of power in general (no offense meant towards them), but its not always and just about power.

. Apep or Apophis– Was an Egyptian God equated with all things evil and malefic, e.g. pain, suffering and related. See here, and/or below article for more information.

Apep or Apophis

Planet: Jupiter.
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius (0°).
Description: self-righteous and has a big ego on the negative side but positively is skilled in Law, Religion, Philosophy, Education & Long Distance traveling. Also has a sense of humor and is open to all, a non-discriminator.
* Also has Saturnian-like destructive abilities.


. Hades– Greek God of the underworld and ruler of that aspect of life for Greeks. See here.

Planet: Saturn.
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn (28°).
Description: Specialty lies in public ambitions, as zodiac sign already displays; for coming into prominence and becoming disciplined.


. Kali– Hindu Goddess that destroys evil forces. See here.

Planet: Moon.
Zodiac Sign: Cancer (4°)
Description: Destruction of necessary things or aspects, and yet of a gentle nature. Literary ability & some art also present.


. Set/ Seth– Egyptian God of protection, weather, violence and so on. See here.

Planet: Sun.
Zodiac Sign: Leo (10°)
Description: Covers most solar attributes, e.g. energy, protection to a certain point, skill in general endeavors etc.  Skill is determination.

The research files vol. LXVIII: Seth


. Beelzebub
Beelzebub was a Philistine God turned demon; read more about Him here.

Planet: Mercury.
Zodiac sign: Gemini (24°)
Description: Deals with everyday things, and is especially interested and good for learning; all things education-wise.

The Research Files vol. CIII: Beelzebub


Moloch was a Canaanite God turned demon and is kabbalistically seen as part ruler of the Qliphot Thaumiel. See here.

Planet: Mars.
Zodiac sign: Aries (22°)
Description: General Martian affairs, e.g. offense and defense. Is honest & just however.


The Greek God Zeus. See here.

Planet: Mercury.
Zodiac sign: Gemini (25°)
Description: General Mercurial matters, and moves relatively quick.

The research files LXXVI: Zeus


The Egyptian Solar God Ra. See here.

Planet: Mars.
Zodiac sign: Aries (4°)
Description: General Martian affairs, and very proud & fanatical.



The Greek God Ares. See here.

Planet: Mars.
Zodiac sign: Aries (15°)
Description: General Martian matters, but stubborn and fanatical/ violent.

The above mentioned are just a few examples and ones that I’ve researched in the past. Noticeably, they are dark Gods or Chthonic deities in general. Not too many Gods that I’m aware of that specialize in financial resources and related. Anyone reading this, feel free to approach me for desired information on a God or deity.


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