The research files vol. XI: Lucifer


Lucifer never really appealed to me, but I decided to ask for his help in boosting my web shop, since my research pointed out that he can help in that department. For those that do not know who Lucifer is, see here. He is a fallen angel, who’s name means light bearer.

Lucifer corresponds to the Sun (unsurprisingly), 11° and he will resort to pretty much any measure to get what he wants and to get what the operator wants. Next to that, He is a Jack-of-all-trades and has a multitude of abilities (reminds me of Michael in that regard). Has abilities that stretch across. I asked for his help in improving my web shop overall, and he did not disappoint. In a week’s time, he inspired or drove me to make significant improvements to the website, and I got a lot more orders too, worth $680 NET. Very good in a week’s time. There was only one drawback in all of this: he reminds me of Clauneck here, there were a few minor, erratic changes. My web shop would be suspended briefly due to some small error or thing that needed to be changed. Not a big deal, but it can be annoying to endure that twice in a week. That is all.

When invoked, Lucifer has a calm, cool, narrative-like voice and he appeared as 2 black children, and changed to 2 Caucasian children because he got the impression that I did not like his first appearance. I told him that I did not mind and he changed back. The children also grabbed me on the arm at a certain point, but let go since he got the feeling that I didn’t like that, despite me saying that I didn’t mind, again. Interestingly enough, the archangels Michael and Raphael appeared near the end of the ritual and told him that he was needed elsewhere, and that he should wrap up his things with me. He also gazed in awe when seeing the 1st Pentacle of the Sun and was like “Oh, the almighty’s face”. He prefers Frankincense incense, but did appreciate me burning any incense at all. Didn’t want to be ungrateful. I didn’t have the previous, so burned Dragon’s Blood.

  • Invoked Lucifer for a client, and he appeared this time as a buff, naked blonde man with sky-blue/ golden pupils and giant, golden wings. Told me too that he was the 3rd highest ranked angel from the Order of Potestates.


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11 thoughts on “The research files vol. XI: Lucifer

  1. Jamar

    This is so true Lord Lucifer is all these things and more. I want to testify that Lord King Lucifer is super loving and helpful, Ave Lucifer light bearer.

    • Jamar

      I am telling you guys, read this post and do the work. He is so easy to call on, is not evil like others think. Lord Lucifer is of light and very funny and he humours you too. Ave Lucifer Ave, thank you a million times over, for saving us.

      • Mat

        Just follow what he says here, it’s so easy just believe. I do and he’s never failed me. So, I say:Thank you Lord Lucifer light of my life for this miracle of peace with that terrible concern that plagued my mind and heart, everything is as it should be.

        Thank you for that extra answer too., Thank you Morino for providing such good advice.

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