Working with Bathin


I shall touch base on my work with the Goetic spirit Bathin; in short, he is the 18th spirit mentioned therein, and has as one of His specialties moving people from country to country. I needed help in this field, because I want to immigrate from my current location to a Western country; unfortunately, immigration policies in the West are impossible in terms of applying or anything similar…literally…doesn’t matter how educated, qualified, experienced or wealthy you are, the chances of successfully applying for even a tourist visa are ridiculously low. Before Bathin, I got a headache from simply looking at a western immigration website and its conditions, after Him, it all became clear; I knew what steps I needed to take and He brought numerous opportunities to me and opened doors for me etc, all the while giving me pleasant dreams that related to this topic.

Regarding appearance, Bathin took on the shape of a man riding a horse, transparent and all; others included a college student-looking man, wearing glasses and an alumni shirt etc, and lastly a renaissance-looking duke on a horse. He is Jupiterian, corresponds to the zodiac sign Sagittarius (25°), and is very powerful in getting things done. I can’t speak for His other abilities as mentioned in the Goetia, but His forte is definitely long distance travel. Below the description:

Description (Goetia)

His seal:


Update per 12/26/2021- Bathin is Infernal and His forte is long distance traveling; foreign cultures and other Sagittarian matters are not His specialty, but He still is very skilled in these (2nd best ability). All other attributes/ skills mentioned in the Goetia that have nothing to do with travelling & similar are false.

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