The research files vol. LXVIII: Seth


I’ll be covering the Egyptian God Seth today; He was known by the egyptians as God of the desert, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners.

Seth is solar in nature (10° in Leo- persistence) and is a powerful one thus. He is an excellent business partner for the abovementioned affairs, as well as all matters in general. I do need to point out however that Seth is not the type that knows order as (again) mentioned before; So don’t expect Him to go to work neatly for you when engaging with Him, in terms of results. Regarding appearance it’s the typical man with the head of a jackal or a canine-like animal. Seth does have a gruff voice, but that is to be expected of His nature. I have no experience in dealing with Set, other than superficially. So that’s it.


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3 thoughts on “The research files vol. LXVIII: Seth

  1. Maciej

    Based on Seth’s description, it looks Like He Has some connections to Mars. But what practical applications can be used with Seth? Based on His specialties and violence.

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