Atheism/Agnosticism (in the occult)


One might wonder what role Atheism & Agnosticism play in the occult; so what place do they have, if any? The answer in short is, within the occult as well as in general: None- it is illogical and has no merit.

The reason for that is plain and simply that the world exists on a spiritual foundation, and therefore making the claim that all that exists is the material is wrong, period. This can be pointed out by the fact that, as the saying “It is out of the immaterial that the material has come forth” goes, the material and tangible is a consequence of the immaterial or ethereal. A person wouldn’t be alive if His astral body were to leave him, he’d drop dead as a matter of fact. When you speak as a living being (a person), your consciousness and everything that makes you aware of your own existence is due to your soul & astral body, NOT your physical body; the latter is nothing more that flesh that you occupy in order to manifest in the physical world.


This concept applies to everything one can see in the world we live and exist in; to a well-versed occultist (like me) it’s common knowledge & obvious- not to the average person. The tree of life within the kabbalah is an excellent example, as the basic concept of it teaches that everything in existence makes its way from God to the material world, so the mental leads into the astral and then into the physical.

Notion/Concept ——> Thought ——> Physical Reality