The research files vol. LXXI: Baphomet


It’s Baphomet’s turn to be written about; What do I know about Him off the top of my head? That He was an entity worshipped by the Knights Templar in the crusader time period & that He is unjustly seen today or nowadays as a symbol for the devil (which doesn’t exist).

Now it’s time for facts about Baphomet from an occult perspective; He’s Lunar (Cancer, 8°- cunning) and quite the skilled one. Does well in matters of clairvoyance, money, and good fortune. Interesting story too from back in the day, as a beginner. I remember, when mastering astral traveling, seeing Baphomet once hovering above my physical body while being in astral form. I didn’t know what it meant back then, and honestly don’t know now even, I can merely speculate but it’s not worth to spend time, let alone resources on finding out. Most likely a preview of things to come or He was just drawn to me due to the magical activity. Baphomet can frequently be seen displaying the armsigns for as above, so below.