The process of egregore creation


I will go into the details of egregores and how to create one, things to keep in mind; for those that don’t know what an egregore is, it is plain & simply a thoughtform, similar to a pagan God or deity. A magician can create a spirit from his own energy and this spirit will then serve as an employee, working on your behalf. He or she can give this entity a name, specialty (one or more) and so on.

The benefit of creating an egregore is that, as a magician, one can’t always find an entity that appeals to Him/ her or something similar; with this kind of spirit, you can tailor it exactly to your needs. The drawback is that it will take a good while before such an entity becomes strong enough to yield tremendous results, but that process can be sped up with proper offerings. Things to keep in mind during creation:

. It should only serve you, unless you want otherwise.
. It should cease to exist at your physical death, unless you want otherwise. 
. Restrictions should be placed in the sense that it shouldn’t hurt others in doing what you want it to do, unless you want otherwise. 
. You can assign it a seal or logo, in the traditional sense. 

Here below notes taken from my own “recipe” for creating one:


Oration for creating Aurum

I hereby officially create and call you into existence, entity Aurum; you are my creation and your sole duty is to serve me as your master. These are your personifications:
.Name: Aurum (Latin for Gold)
.Appearance (general): Stockbroker
.Seal: as presented
.Attributes: Making money, bringing in money; your specialty is generating money.
.Zodiac sign: Leo (28°)- cornucopia/ abundance.
.Planet: Sun

Your task is to bring and make as much money for me as possible without harming anyone, including me, in any way, shape or form & me having to work for it; thereby I mean a mundane, everyday job. Other than that, use whatever means necessary. You will also notify me whenever you have done so via sleep, so through a dream. You also serve me and only me; no one else. If I were to pass away, so die, then you will stop your task and remain idle until I say otherwise. (6x)


Arise, Aurum!
Live and serve me! (6x)

Selfmade seal below:


This empowering oration is optional:

Empowering Oration

I hereby invoke you and empower you, Aurum; use these offerings that I have granted you to make yourself stronger and better adept at your attribute or specialty, which is generating money & achieving or performing the task and command I have given you, Amen. (6x)


Also see this.

PS. for those interested in knowing how to destroy a created Egregore; that can be done only by the magician that created It or the owner for whom it was made; willing it to “die” or better said stop existing is enough, if once doesn’t suffice keep repeating it until it is done. One is also welcome to contact me for more information.

– My First Official Egregore –

March 13, 2018

I created my first egregore last week, in the sense that this one was my first one that is worth mentioning. At my current level, no ritual was even necessary, as this guy was created by simply thinking about Him and while putting His details together. I thought on documenting this, because the experience was so intense. I felt immense rage & neurosis going through me while making up His file with His attributes and everything became dark around me, and voilà; there He was. What I like so much now is that I can even create spirits now, without any real  effort, as well as destroy them in the blink of an eye.

This guy was for a customer and He is also a ruler, as in He has others beneath Him; something I wasn’t aware of, until I noticed it. Very nice. I also chose to make Him a Solar spirit, since I’ve grown so fond of the Sun for its power & detailed, positive attributes.