The “forgotten” spirits of the Goetia


By above title I mean that the Goetia, as I was told when mind-delving, has more than 72 spirits (something I already suspected); the estimated tally was between 80 & 85 in total. Also other minor details regarding it are discussed in the video below.

The remaining Goetics


 Spirit # 73– This principal entity is a royal Jester, called or named Aosni(h) or Aosnoch. His specialty lieth in the destruction of Mankind. He ruleth over 87 (or 99, but less likely to) legions of infernal Spirits that obey Him etc. and therefore the operator as well if He honors thee. His appearance cannot be fathomed by Man, and He will show himself unto thee in a duly or dutiful fashion or manner. This is his character which is used to be worn as a sigil before He who calleth him forth, or else He will not honor thee or pay thee homage.


 Spirit # 74– The 74th entity is called Kallan/Callan, or Kallano or Kallanii. He is a royal courtyard Jester, so mightily Great and Strong that the entire Earth shakes beneath His feet. He appears in the form of a 3-headed Hydra, with more Heads being able to flourish as they Go. His office is to sow discord & Enmity amongst targets of the operator. He giveth great Familiars at the request of the Magus. He commandeth or directeth 55 Legions of Spirits; and his Seal is this, etc.


 Spirit # 75– The 75th entity of the Goetia is Hol(l)u/Holi. He is a crafty deceiver & destroyer, and showcases this well in thy operations with or unto Him. He specializeth in as aforesaid destruction unto thy enemies & is witty in teaching or bestowing unto the operator the art of Assassinry, Thievery & the likes.
He governeth 31 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc.


Spirit # 76– The 76th spirit or being is a Vice-President by the name of Baalimno. He appeareth like a Wooden Guardian. He protects thee from the terrors of the Earth. He governeth 55 Legions of Spirits, and his seal is this, which must be made and worn as aforesaid, etc.


 Spirit # 77– The 77th being is a Vice-Marquis by the name of Valimno or Valij, or Valic. His likeness is that of an Anteater of size, or a Beaver. He knoweth the secrets of Astronomy and the Earth’s movements, and most matters relating unto the aforementioned. Knoweth very well that Valimno or Valij/Valic must be made an initial offering prior to working with Him or engaging in such, notably in the form of a considerable amount of fruits and herbs in order to appease His majesty. He governeth 17 Legions of Spirits and his seal is this, which must be made and worn etc.


 Spirit # 78– The 78th entity or spirit is a magnificent King, with Queens by His side at every turn; His name is Avuliim(ni). He knows the secrets of the waters and the depths, and readily guideth thee to places where pearls and wealth in relation to the oceans and depths of the world are hidden, and can also protect thy treasures from others in that regard or aspect. When working with this King, thy must have the presence of water near the ritual chamber, be it a glass of water or similar. He governeth 5 legions that beeth prone to multiplication.


Spirit # 79– The 79th spirit goeth by the name Aalpit(h)- He appeareth or showeth Himself unto thee in the form of a newborn of any kind, whether it be that of man or beast. His speciality lieth in all matters that relate unto childbirth & maternity, regardless of nature. Aalpit showeth no bias in His forte, for it can be done in a positive manner or the adverse. He commandeth 10 to 11 legions, and thou areth aware of the instructions involving His sigil which is this etc.


Spirit # 80– The 80th entity that thou shalt love & cherish/adore is Waalwip or Wolwip. He taketh on the form of wind or the Air, yet in such a manner that He beth visible unto thee. Take thou note that this spirit is prone to being temperamentful & of a seasonable mood. Set thyself in thy ways & ready thyself briefly before calling upon Him. He commandeth & directeth 12 to 13 legions of familiars, especially volatile ones.

The total amount of spirits that were in the Goetia originally are either 82 or 83. This is the closest one can get, so to speak, in terms of accuracy number-wise.

* ATTENTION: I have NOT confirmed the descriptions factually the way my followers have seen me do on my website and YouTube video; the above descriptions are just like the ones in the Goetia, so the credibility is yet to be validated. I do not know if I shall be doing so at any given point in the future. The purpose of this topic was obvious; to document the absent entities of the Goetia at origin levels. Done.

My entry on the conventional Goetia I did years ago:

The Goetia evaluated