

Is resurrection possible? In a mundane, metaphorically realistic context? No. (Only) in theory.

If you want to entertain the notion of someone being brought back from the dead, you need to consider the following; when someone dies, their astral & physical body gives out (literally and/or so to speak) & as a result they do just that: die. In order to bring them back to life, you’d have to interact with their astral body and have them, by whatever means, “go back inside their physical body” at minimal-est. At the very least generally speaking, this defies and goes against basic cosmic law- the consensus is that when it’s your time, it’s your time & your period in the material plain (unless you get reincarnated) is over, and the remaining steps of what happens to you after you die unfold/take procedure. It is the natural order of things. Overall magickal techniques e.g. an Egregore or working with a spirit, regardless of how powerful or skilled they are (e.g. the Archangels, no offense to them of course) would also not yield the wanted or desired outcome (not directly at least, and the reasons for that are varying in nature). The sheer amount of effort and/or energy to make such an endeavor a success can be (arguably) compared to trying to win the lottery etc.

If someone seriously petitioned Me for something like this, a general question I’d ask them is how long the person has been dead for; reason is that someone (generally) lingers when “freshly” deceased around their physical body and/or the places they had a sentimental attachment(s) to (it’s natural to do so). But as mentioned earlier, based on the level of impracticality, I’d recommend them to interact with their loved one or related through conventional occult means; so Necromancy or similar. And even then, unless they are- or intend on becoming magicians themselves, I’d advise them to gather all the inquiries they have & submit it all in one go. Best to not disturb the dead with arbitrary questions spread across/over different timeframes.

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