Talking to Animals


Some magickal workbooks that occultists are familiar with in Western society & to a lesser extent the rest of the world, primarily the Goetia, contain entities that can allegedly teach one how to communicate with animals. I’ve already covered the Goetia, see below- so I will in this article focus purely on the notion of talking to animals, and NOT whether the claims in these types of books are valid etc. Read/watch below content for that.

The Goetia evaluated

So, is it possible to do so? Can one really talk to animals? Well, yes & no; you don’t need to specifically work with a spirit to do so, a good level of clairvoyance is already enough. Animals overall, compared to humans, have a lesser level of consciousness. People are under the delusion (regardless of the reason) that “animal lingo” is as refined as a human language, & that it is equally complex and intricate or related. No. It can (metaphorically) be seen as a basic form of communication, like the level of proficiency a child has regarding speech etc.

In order to do so (talk to animals), you simply need to activate your levels of clairaudience (so astral hearing) & that’s it.

Potentially interesting material:


Animals and the Occult

Can spirits possess animals?

Channeling different types of Energy

See also the merit of shapeshifting.