The importance of Realtime Lunar movements (in the occult)


You might not be aware of this, but the Moon and its Realtime movements play a pivotal role in occult operations; generally speaking, you can do something on a particular day & time thinking that this is enough and don’t get Me wrong: it general.

When you have enough experience in doing the aforementioned, e.g. hosting ritual or carrying out a magickal operation on let’s say a Monday, in the day + hour of the Moon you’ll notice that there are still minor differences and that some days, for a seemingly unexplained reason, are literally more– or less potent than others- especially when what you’re doing requires the utmost levels of precision or accuracy. Well, guess what the reason for THAT is (in general)…

So how to utilize that to one’s benefit? How do I, (Master) Morino, work with the Moon in a Realtime manner? Well, the Moon has to be exalted (obviously)- so the zodiac sign it’s in & its aspects and so on. See below video.