Guidelines for elemental mages


In this article I’ll give guidelines and related for magicians that are interested in specializing in one specific element, the benefits and whatnot.

First off, why would you want to do so as a sorcerer? What are the perks, gains and drawbacks? Doing so enables you to make well above average use of one element, thereby being a multitude of times stronger than the average magician. Drawback is that the rest of your esoteric faculties will be basic or average, more or less.

Secondly, who is the best or most practical candidate for this outlined Modus Operandi? To whom would this be recommended? To practitioners that have a strong affinity towards one of the elements. Look towards Natal Astrology for that- your personality will point out 1) IF you have a dominant element, and 2) to what extent. For the rest, detailed readings will point out what this path has in store for you.

A reminder- or just plain information to the properties of the elements & their practical usages:

  1.  Earth– Hardworking, down-to-earth, stable, detailed; benefits are material goods (so yes, money), being stable & consistent as a whole, craftsmanship, knowledge of the Earth & terrestrial values etc.
  2.  Air– Light in nature (as opposed to fire’s heaviness), swiftness, intelligence, refinement, deep knowledge of the world incl. technology, kindness, gentleness, beauty (physical appearance-wise), bonding with others etc.
  3. FireHighly potent (compared to the others), strength overall (mental & physical), concentration, focus, power, determination, offensive & defensive capabilities, martial prowess etc.
  4. WaterHighly adaptable (compared to the others), stable emotions, fluidity, conductive, highly potent (compared to the others) occult faculties & abilities, with the ability to grow & adapt quickly and more easily etc.

(PS. the element spirit is N/A regarding this subject)

Now, here it comes; in order to begin the journey, you need to utilize planetary magick or similar, call upon the element you want to have your forte in & ask the following “I humbly beseech thee, please send Me an entity or similar that will help Me ascend to the heights I have my sights set on, please send Me one to assist Me on my path as a(n) [insert element] mage”.

You will be sent an emissary that will serve as your guide; follow His or Her instructions & done.

* It is recommended to NOT do all of this in the short term; see to it that this path is permanent or at the very least long-term, provided you truly wish to become a high grade elemental magus *