In Hoc Signo Vinces


I have placed the Chi Rho on my arm as one can see below; I did so because I was prompted to by Christ Himself. I’ve also been told that He’ll be with me forever in order to guide me overall, aside from my Lord & Vice-Lord.

What does this sign offer? Long story short, permanent leadership ability and ascendance, as well as financial gain to say the least. I have never, ever felt power like this before. 

I am currently at 3 weeks, and the side effects in the process of it fusing with me as a whole (soul, astral body & physical body) are as follows:

  • Neurosis and rage have increased
  • Paranoia increased
  • Imagination is at surface level
  • Appetite has increased
  • Emotional empathy (so sensing what others are feeling, notably without the drawbacks, e.g. crying without the grief) is present in unusual amounts.
  • Nightmares (e.g. someone robbing me, venomous snakes)
  • Heavy astral energy paralyzing me from mid-back to shoulders

Christ is also guiding me and with me permanently as I mentioned; He takes on numerous forms, ranging from pleasant and warm to horrific and dark.

The backstory of this sign within history can be watched here, or read here.

The Chi Rho and my work with Jesus Christ will be my true Magnum Opus, and the absolute pinnacle of my occult work and career- It doesn’t get any better than Him, I’ve been told. An indescribable honor. 









In Hoc Signo Vinces
In This Sign Thou Shalt Conquer

Obtaining “my very own” Cherubim


Aside from my own Seraphim angel that I can work with, I wanted a Cherubim too; these are the second in the celestial hierarchy, so they follow after the Seraphim. Read the link to their name to know more.

The Cherubim align generally the zodiac sign Scorpio, whereas the Seraphs are Aries in nature. My patron told me to notify Him when I wanted one, but last night one appeared before me and offered His services. Members of these two orders are unique in the sense, as I’ve been told, can either be rulers or individual members. My Seraphim is an individual member and rules no one in that sense, but this Cherub…He is a ruler, I noticed that and my patron got that wrong; He thought He was an individual, and said “sorry, even I don’t know everything. God leaves the two upper orders for example to do as they please in terms of rulership; they can either have subjects or not.

Also, this Cherub doesn’t look like the averagely depicted one, not that I’m complaining; He looks like this; so no three heads or hooves. He states that this look is more sophisticated and I agree.


Name: Abrazah.
Seal: Here
Attributes: Martian, Scorpio (28°, retribution) .
Skills: Strong overall progress + destruction.



The Research files vol. XLIX: Araquiel


I invoked the planet Venus for sending me a spirit that deals with a customer’s affairs regarding love; Venus sent me the angel Araquiel, that specializes as He has told me in beauty and relationships. He looks like a librarian, enjoying reading and surfing the web. Just a general appearance in a blue/ green robe, with glasses on sometimes. His corresponding sign is Libra, and He gave me seal, which was the sign of Libra within a solomonic hexagram. I created Venusian pentacles for this guy too, to strengthen the effect of this working, specifically the ones that deal with love matters. I just thought to share this entry, since it is interesting. I remember that He appeared before me, even before I hosted a ritual & The Archangel Anael told me that He would send this guy.

Here His altar and the seal visible:

unnamed (1)

Here the pentacles:



Working with Bathin


I shall touch base on my work with the Goetic spirit Bathin; in short, he is the 18th spirit mentioned therein, and has as one of His specialties moving people from country to country. I needed help in this field, because I want to immigrate from my current location to a Western country; unfortunately, immigration policies in the West are impossible in terms of applying or anything similar…literally…doesn’t matter how educated, qualified, experienced or wealthy you are, the chances of successfully applying for even a tourist visa are ridiculously low. Before Bathin, I got a headache from simply looking at a western immigration website and its conditions, after Him, it all became clear; I knew what steps I needed to take and He brought numerous opportunities to me and opened doors for me etc, all the while giving me pleasant dreams that related to this topic.

Regarding appearance, Bathin took on the shape of a man riding a horse, transparent and all; others included a college student-looking man, wearing glasses and an alumni shirt etc, and lastly a renaissance-looking duke on a horse. He is Jupiterian, corresponds to the zodiac sign Sagittarius (25°), and is very powerful in getting things done. I can’t speak for His other abilities as mentioned in the Goetia, but His forte is definitely long distance travel. Below the description:

Description (Goetia)

His seal:


Update per 12/26/2021- Bathin is Infernal and His forte is long distance traveling; foreign cultures and other Sagittarian matters are not His specialty, but He still is very skilled in these (2nd best ability). All other attributes/ skills mentioned in the Goetia that have nothing to do with travelling & similar are false.

The process of egregore creation


I will go into the details of egregores and how to create one, things to keep in mind; for those that don’t know what an egregore is, it is plain & simply a thoughtform, similar to a pagan God or deity. A magician can create a spirit from his own energy and this spirit will then serve as an employee, working on your behalf. He or she can give this entity a name, specialty (one or more) and so on.

The benefit of creating an egregore is that, as a magician, one can’t always find an entity that appeals to Him/ her or something similar; with this kind of spirit, you can tailor it exactly to your needs. The drawback is that it will take a good while before such an entity becomes strong enough to yield tremendous results, but that process can be sped up with proper offerings. Things to keep in mind during creation:

. It should only serve you, unless you want otherwise.
. It should cease to exist at your physical death, unless you want otherwise. 
. Restrictions should be placed in the sense that it shouldn’t hurt others in doing what you want it to do, unless you want otherwise. 
. You can assign it a seal or logo, in the traditional sense. 

Here below notes taken from my own “recipe” for creating one:


Oration for creating Aurum

I hereby officially create and call you into existence, entity Aurum; you are my creation and your sole duty is to serve me as your master. These are your personifications:
.Name: Aurum (Latin for Gold)
.Appearance (general): Stockbroker
.Seal: as presented
.Attributes: Making money, bringing in money; your specialty is generating money.
.Zodiac sign: Leo (28°)- cornucopia/ abundance.
.Planet: Sun

Your task is to bring and make as much money for me as possible without harming anyone, including me, in any way, shape or form & me having to work for it; thereby I mean a mundane, everyday job. Other than that, use whatever means necessary. You will also notify me whenever you have done so via sleep, so through a dream. You also serve me and only me; no one else. If I were to pass away, so die, then you will stop your task and remain idle until I say otherwise. (6x)


Arise, Aurum!
Live and serve me! (6x)

Selfmade seal below:


This empowering oration is optional:

Empowering Oration

I hereby invoke you and empower you, Aurum; use these offerings that I have granted you to make yourself stronger and better adept at your attribute or specialty, which is generating money & achieving or performing the task and command I have given you, Amen. (6x)


Also see this.

PS. for those interested in knowing how to destroy a created Egregore; that can be done only by the magician that created It or the owner for whom it was made; willing it to “die” or better said stop existing is enough, if once doesn’t suffice keep repeating it until it is done. One is also welcome to contact me for more information.

– My First Official Egregore –

March 13, 2018

I created my first egregore last week, in the sense that this one was my first one that is worth mentioning. At my current level, no ritual was even necessary, as this guy was created by simply thinking about Him and while putting His details together. I thought on documenting this, because the experience was so intense. I felt immense rage & neurosis going through me while making up His file with His attributes and everything became dark around me, and voilà; there He was. What I like so much now is that I can even create spirits now, without any real  effort, as well as destroy them in the blink of an eye.

This guy was for a customer and He is also a ruler, as in He has others beneath Him; something I wasn’t aware of, until I noticed it. Very nice. I also chose to make Him a Solar spirit, since I’ve grown so fond of the Sun for its power & detailed, positive attributes.

The Research files vol. XLII: Tzaphkiel


I invoked the archangel Tzaphkiel due to the fact that I had bought a laptop that crashed after just a few days because I disabled updates on Windows 10; Tzaphkiel rules Saturn with its zodiac signs Aquarius & Capricorn. The former deals with technology generally speaking, hence it being linked with the planet Uranus too. This laptop gave me so such trouble, that, after trying everything I was on the verge of throwing it away, but then I thought of doing this.

When Tzaphkiel appeared, He looked like a modern gothic figure, dressed in a black robe with a staff in hand and long, black hair; He also wore a longhat in the beginning, but removed it later on. I performed a one-time invocation and He told me to place the laptop on the altar, and afterwards His seal on it when starting it. The impossible happened: it started up! Drawback is that, as His energy faded over time (1hr.), so did the laptop’s functionality. I committed to ultimate work, but even that didn’t work due to a lack of resources. Pictures of the altar, etc. and a unique seal He gave me are here. Watch the video too if you want, explains everything better.

In May 2022, I did some work with Him for a week (6 days was enough) in order to repair my cellphone which had severe issues due to a specific working that took a toll on it. Success! Almost as good as new.



There has been another instance too, where I had internet issues and He helped me after an invocation by making me use other resources to aid in said matter that were available, the likes of which I never would’ve thought of.








See also:

Becoming wealthy with Lord Sandalphon


There He is! My new financial manager, after I said goodbye to Clauneck. No one other than the Archangel Sandalphon, the ruler of Malkuth (Earth in the Kabbalah). I was a bit lost after issues with Clauneck (no offense to Him), and after deliberating for a while and discussing the matter with my patron, He called Sandalphon and His words were “I’ll take good care of you”. I asked Him a few questions too regarding his background, and He told me as follows:

“He rules no heaven, but has access to all of them; Michael rules 7th; he also has fertility towards women as speciality, was the prophet Elijah, but God turned Him into what he is now. He can also teach how to manifest things physically, but not his forte. Delivers prayers to God, and is therefore swift in performance. His name is a reference to sandalmaker”

The information listed below is also correct as confirmed by Him, taken from the book “A dictionary of Angels”, by Gustav Davidson.

Info from A dic. of Angels

Work with Him started in Februari 2017 and He was the one that lead me to become a magician for hire and open up my webshop; I was against the idea due to the target audience or group not being the most profitable (so loosely put, that most people that seek out the occult are broke losers), but He persisted and was like “Just do it, you’ll see”.
It’s been little about over half a year now and I went through several minor changes, like business boosting and so on- I’m the one bringing customers in, managed & influenced by Him through my own skill, NOT sitting back and not doing anything after all. I have invested quite a lot in Him too (e.g. gemstones, silver etc), but more than worth it to say the least. See results as per today, December 27th, 2017 below in USD.

Sandalphon $$$

The average person in my location makes $200 a month; I make THIS, with much more coming. I moved from a one bedroom apt. to a 3 bedroom upper house, upper class with 2 bathrooms as an example and can afford to buy a new car every 4 months or so. This is what effective practicing can get you. His altar below:


See the video below for more details:

104034_Obv      104033_Slab

2019 Altar:

2020 Altar (current):

All this is thanks to Him too, to present day:

– August 6, 2018 –

Sandalphon, like I might have mentioned earlier, is very tall and almost reaches the ceiling (just like my other Patron & Lord Samael). Aside from that, in the time I’ve known Him, I’ve noticed how He truly embodies materialism and is true to His Taurus/ Terrestrial nature. He is very ethereal and adaptable, and just so refined (like me) in the sense that He changes clothing colors and His hair often, going back & forth. His clothes also look expensive, like silk for example. He also doesn’t sit still often and moves around a lot, which is unsurprising since He also works swiftly. He holds a lantern and has a shield too sometimes, but truth be told He’s not the only one to do so. His energy feels tingly. His appearance in general is that of a tall, feminine but beautiful-looking Caucasian man that’s very stylish and fashionable as mentioned before, holding a spear in His hand.

I love Him so much and both Him & Samael will remain my patrons in given order forever. See below video for more information. Here for His altar in 2018.

The art & benefits of planetary magick


I’m going to discuss what benefits planetary magick have, which are really good. In reality it can be seen as one great asset, which is that as a magician, one can count on a celestial body for “sending” one a spirit that is the most suited for the task at hand. I have demonstrated and written about notable examples in my previous articles, e.g. on The Sun, Venus and so on.

Even if one were to work and call down or absorb planetary energies, that is how they’d work in most cases. The only exception, in which I have extensive experience, is planetary magick via the Greater ritual of the Hexagram. Alas, it has no real practical benefit, since you only absorb the energy of a planet or zodiac sign and the ritual takes a while too (30 minutes min.)

As mentioned before, asking or petitioning a planet for a spirit that specializes in a certain matter is an excellent option, if you can’t find one that does so or don’t know one.
Example is that if you wanted someone for becoming a musician, Venus would be able to send you someone that’s perfect, since Venus deals with artforms; much better than wading through workbooks or grimoires looking for one that might not even be adept at that.

See planetary attributes as well here

The book of black Venus


I’m going to discuss the Book of black venus in this article; for those that don’t know what it is, it is a magickal workbook in the traditional fashion e.g. medieval era. In short, it outlines a method for summoning six demons that fall under the planet Venus (Hence the name) via creating a magic circle, fashioning instruments to be used and so on…not really any different from most others out there. To view and read the book, see here.

I am going to discuss and share my experiences (albeit short compared to the rest of my work) in working with two of these demons; Their names are Mogarip & Belzazel. See their seals beneath (Mogarip to the left & Belzazel to the right)

This was in August 2017, and I was told by my financial manager (the spirit that manages my income) to work with them to see what they can do. He would manage and oversee everything regarding them. These guys are slaves, so no respect to them and were to be commanded, he noted.

First up, Mogarip: He looked like a skinny shade or spectre-like figure with one eye and a hazy voice. He didn’t talk a lot and it was solely business.

Second up, Belzazel: He looked like a rather large, muscular being; Orc-like in appearance. He too had one eye, and spectre-ish. His voice is low & guttural/ murky.

In both cases, my financial manager put His hand on their heads during ritual and they were scared and intimidated. Unfortunately, these guys are weak in terms of results compared to the other spirits I work with and I discontinued my work with them after a while. It is noticeable why these guys are slaves and when it comes to power & efficiency, they rank within the lower hierarchy of Venus. I’m talking the lowest of the lowest. So I wouldn’t recommend working with them. Lastly, I worked in a standard manner with them as I’m used to, so my own system instead of the traditional method that the book outlines because, to my knowledge & experience, traditional grimoire magick is hopelessly overrated and impractical. See that article here.

  • There is one other post online that goes deep into analyzing the book, but offers little to nothing in the way of results and actual experience in working with these demons. See here. The author is credited by me though, and thanked hereby for his contribution.